Airline Transport Pilot with more than 18.300 flight hours.
Jorge is the fourth generation of pilots in his family, whose origins can be traced back to the beginning of the Aviation History in Spain
Jorge is very proud that his mother and aunts have also worked in Aviation as flight stewards
At age 16, he started flying gliders. At 18 he started his studies to become an Airline Transport Pilot. From 19, to this day, he has worked as flight instructor, both as FAA CFI and EASA FI.
At 21 starts flying with the airlines, first in Air Nostrum and now with IBERIA.
He got inverted for the first time at age 8 in a Cap-10 and later in a T-6 Texan. It was at this point when he felt in love with aerobatic flight
At 23, he started his initial aerobatic flight course with Vytas Lapenas in Lithuania. Later, he was trained by Vytas Lapenas, Ramon Alonso and Nikolay Nikitiuk
In 2005 he was the first pilot to represent Spain in an International competition in Advanced category at the European Aerobatic Championships EAC. In 2007 he joined the Spanish Unlimited National Team representing Spain at WAC 2007 and 2009 and EAC 2008.
Since 2003 he has been participating in the most important Air Displays both in Spain and Portugal.
He has more than 740 aerobatic hours in the best and most famous aerobatic aircraft:
Staudacher S-300, Sukhoi 31, Sukhoi 29, Extra, Pitts S-2, Zlin Z-50, Zlin Z-326M, Velox Revolution, Yak 52, Cap-10, Rebel 300, Super Decathlon y Piper J-3 Cliped Wing.

Spanish representative, with Ramon Alonso, in the FAI World Formation Aerobatic Championships
2014 (Advanced)
Spainish Silver Medal
2013 (Advanced)
Spanish Silver Medal
2012 (Advanced)
Spanish Champion
2010 y 2011 (Unlimited)
4th Spanish Championships
2009 (Unlimited)
Spanish Bronze Medal
37 in the World Aerobatics Champonships
2008 (Unlimited)
Spanish Bronze Medal
31 in the European Aerobatic Championships
Bronce Team Medal at European Championships
5th in the Triangular Cup of Aerobatics
2007 (Unlimited)
40th in the World Aerobatics Champonships
Silver Team Medall at Word Aerobatic Championships
5th in the Triangular Cup of Aerobatics
2006 (Advanced)
Spanish Champion
Triangular Cup Champion
2005 (Advanced)
Puesto 41 Campeonato de Europa
Triangular Cup Champion
2004 (Intermediate)
Spanish Champion
Triangular Cup Champion
2003 (Sportsman)
Spainish Silver Medal